Dorothy Saltus-Johnson Endowed Scholarship in Pre-Nursing

The purpose of this scholarship shall be to assist deserving students enrolled as pre-nursing students at Cameron University. The scholarship may be awarded to full-time or part-time students with preference given to part-time students who are gainfully employed. Selection for and retention of this scholarship shall be based on these criteria:

- Recipient must have attained sophomore status, have a declared a pre-nursing major, and remain committed to a career in nursing.
- Recipient must have a retention GPA of 3.0 or better to receive the scholarship for the first semester of award.
- Recipient must achieve a 3.0 GPA or better during the first semester of award to receive the scholarship for the second semester.
- Once appointed, a recipient may retain the scholarship, at the discretion of the Scholarship Committee, until they complete their pre-nursing program (providing the recipient is enrolled in successive semesters), meet the 3.0 GPA criterion for retention, and remain committed to a career in nursing; however, no student will receive more than six semesters of scholarship support.
- Financial need will be a significant selection criterion. For part-time students, evidence of being gainful employed to assist in meeting their educational goals will be favorably considered.
