Texas Out-of-State Tuition Waiver Scholarship

Waiver of out-of-state tuition * Renewable up to four (4) years * Recipients must pay in-state tuition and fees * Available for undergraduate students who are residents in the following states: Arkansas, New Mexico, and Texas.

Undergraduate students who are offered and accept the Bordering State Non-Resident Tuition Waiver must maintain the following academic performance standard to remain eligible to receive the Bordering State Non-Resident Tuition Waiver:

• The student must enroll full-time, 12+ hours

• Complete 30 credit hours each academic year (Fall, Spring and Summer semesters).

• Students must maintain a retention grade point average (GPA) of 2.5.

• If the student’s retention GPA falls below 2.5 or the 30 hour requirements is not met, the Bordering State Non-Resident Tuition Wavier will be revoked and will not be reinstated.

Waives non-resident portion of tuition